    This project is definitely my favorite of this entire year. The puns and proverb theme was right up my ally (seeing as I LOVE anything to do with words) and I quickly found the perfect inspiration for a piece.
    I had tons of plastic bags in my room. I needed to do something with them, but I couldn't bring myself to just throw them all away. As soon as this project was announced to be 'found' objects I knew I could finally put my plastic bags to good use! Normally I would not base a project off of a material, but in this case I believe it worked out to my advantage.
    As seen in my previous post, my proverb is "Not all that glitters is gold." My aim for this sculpture was to embody that proverb using plastic bags as my main material.
    The process I went through included ironing hundreds (literally!) of plastic bags and then folding, cutting and gluing them to get the shape I wanted. In the end I got a pyramid of 'gold bars.' I like the effect the plastic had with the spray paint, making the material seem crinkly, just like flakes of fools gold. I also feel that the texture of the gold bars meshes well with the texture of the gold fabric.
    When the entire thing was assembled I used a can of spray glitter to dust the gold bars and fabric to give the piece a 'glittering' effect. Then, as you can see, I added the can TO the piece along with some piece of plastic.
    Not everything believe holds worth in this world does. I used plastic bags for this idea because I feel we have become such a captive and consumer based culture, sometimes people don't see what things are truly gold and... well... plastic. The spare pieces of plastic and can hidden amongst the fabric represents those of us who DO realize this and try to cash in on it, hiding the evidence. The 'evidence' is visible because there will always be someone who finds out the truth.
    So thats my final project! Just remember my proverb and take a look at the steps I took to create my piece :)

    My room was such a mess this weekend. By the time I had gotten into the project plastic bags were everywhere. That picture above is just the beginning O_O It was also quite annoying to have to do the whole thing on my bed and not on a table. Thankfully my roommate had an ironing board :)
    And here is the finished piece! I tried to edit it a bit so the crappy picture phone quality was not evident, but that was the best I could do :/

12/12/2010 12:04:27 pm

great blog entry kim! I love seeing all the process photos of how you got your final project.


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